Duct Installation

The home is supposed to be a place where you can escape the chaos and grime of the world, and people generally assume that it is doing just that. It can be a big surprise to realize that your home can actually create health problems for you. Many times, when a home has bad enough air quality that it can impact your health, you may not have obvious indications beyond your own symptoms. HVAC systems function out of sight and out of mind, and it’s easy to dismiss the health problems they can cause as allergies or a bad cold season. Of course, certain HVAC contaminants like black mold can cause quick, dramatic health problems, but a majority of them are very subtle.

At the end of the day, when we find an HVAC system overwhelmed with allergens, mold, or other contaminants, we can’t always be surprised. People just don’t think about air quality. However, air quality comes down to just a few things, which means you have the power to create a healthier environment for yourself.


Dust and allergens might be all around you, but there are things you can do to make them back off when it comes to your home.


If you have even a vaguely green thumb, plants are a fantastic way to get your indoor air quality up. There are plants that are particularly good at removing contaminants from the air, and a majority of them aren’t toxic to pets. Even better, plants don’t just improve the atmosphere you breathe; they also improve the aesthetic atmosphere by bringing a bit of nature indoors, which is an instant way to make any space more comfortable.


Do you know how old your home’s paint is? Depending on its age, it may be filling your air with volatile organic compounds (VOCs), or low-level toxic emissions. Before regulations forced the creation of low- and zero-VOC paints, all paints required VOC in order to perform right. As a result, the colors on the walls of thousands of homes have made the air toxic for anyone who lives in them. Learn more about what your paint might be doing to your health, and if you’re planning on repainting, don’t settle for paints with VOCs.


Clean air starts with your HVAC system. In fact, a clean home starts with your HVAC system. A dirty HVAC system distributes and redistributes contaminants all over the home, making it more and dustier over time, which is very unhealthy for you and your family. By ensuring that your air ducts are clean and your HVAC filters are clear, you can ensure that any contaminants that get into your home’s air will get trapped where they can’t cause harm.


When it comes to the more technical aspects of maintaining excellent air quality in your home, you aren’t on your own. The team at DUCTZ is here to carefully clean your ducts so you don’t have to worry about the air you’re breathing. Learn more about our air duct cleaning in Palm Beach today!

Read Part 2

We all expect some noise out of our HVAC systems. In fact, if you’re feeling too cold or too hot, the sound of the HVAC system starting up can be one of the most comforting sounds of all. However, if the noise changes oddly or starts to interfere with daily activities, you don’t have to put up with the annoyance and worry. Instead, you can get some insights and contact us for some help identifying just what is going on.


HVAC systems are some of the hardest-working systems there are, mostly because their jobs are never done. When you think about it, it’s great that they run as well as they do for as long as they do. Here are some of the most common sounds people report to us and what is generally going on.


If you hear hissing coming from your system, it is usually one of two issues:

  • Misaligned air filters: the air filters in your vents are meant to create a seal so that all air has to pass through them rather than around them. Sometimes, air filters are the wrong size or have been installed correctly, which results in air escaping past them and creating that hissing noise you hear. Generally, it will be a light hissing noise rather than a loud one. Ensuring the filter is the correct size and that it has been installed correctly is an easy fix that should leave your system hiss-free.
  • Leaky ducts: old, broken, or badly-installed air ducts will leak air into your walls, which is where you’ll hear most of the noise. It’s not just annoying; it’s a compromise of your system and it wastes energy. Your HVAC system will have to work harder to get your home to the right temperature because it’s losing air into the walls.


If you’re heating rattling coming from your HVAC system, there are two common reasons that we’ve encountered:

  • Debris in the system: if you check your outdoor unit and find the noise is coming from there, it is possible that it just needs to be cleaned out. Outdoor units come with gratings designed to keep large debris out, but smaller pieces can get through, and over time, it can build up if you aren’t regularly maintaining your unit. To remedy this problem, the system needs to have the power cut and the debris removed. It is usually best to have a professional do this because debris often damages the unit and we can quickly fix any damaged components, ensuring the unit is good to go before we leave.
  • Damaged internal components: if you’re hearing rattling that comes from inside the unit or your home, gives an HVAC technician a call and turn the system off until he or she can check the unit out. Chances are good that the issue isn’t simple and would benefit from professional expertise.


We saved this noise for last because it is generally the most serious. Clanking noises generally mean you’ve got loose parts, and if you don’t get the problem addressed, they can cause expensive damage. Anything can be loose, like blades, pipes, or blow motors. If you hear clanking, you should turn your system off and give us a call so we can quickly identify and remedy whatever is going on.

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The average HVAC system lasts a great 15 to 20 years, and you can maximize yours by getting it cleaned and checked regularly. Ensuring the filters are clean as well as giving the system a break as often as possible will also keep it running strong for as long as possible.

Turn to the experts at DUCTZ for all of your HVAC and air duct cleaning in Palm Beach. We are here to help!

As a species, we used to spend a lot of our lives outside, breathing the outside air. Windows and insulation weren’t that great (if you had any), so you pretty much breathed outdoor air whether you were indoors or not. This is not the case any longer! Another thing that has changed since the old days is air quality. The evolution of industrial processes has put a lot of toxins in our atmosphere, and the “fresh air” we breathe deep when we step outside isn’t always that fresh. All that being said, we now seal up our homes and business so well, the air inside them can get very unhealthy.

Florida air is very humid, and reaching comfortable levels of humidity in your home or business can be difficult. Additionally, dirty, contaminated indoor air can erode your health and make life miserable. Most people don’t even know air quality is responsible for their struggles. However, there are things you can do to ensure that your air stays comfortably humid and healthy to breathe. In today’s blog, we want to explore humidity and give you some tips for finding comfort.


Correct humidity is about more than just comfort. It allows your HVAC system to work the best, keeping your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Generally, comfortable humidity levels are between 30 and 50 percent. Optimal levels range from 45 to 55 percent. Anything above 55 percent humidity is going to be too much. Incorrect humidity levels can make a home difficult to live in, damage the house itself, and hurt your health.


As we said, dealing with humidity is just part of living Florida. However, it is possible to have too much or too little humidity in your home. Each over-calibration comes with a unique set of symptoms:


  • Wet insulation
  • Growth of mold
  • Uncomfortable sleeping
  • Mugginess
  • Rotting woodwork


  • Itchy, dry skin and hair
  • Damaged electronics
  • Static electricity (the cause of the above)
  • Thriving viruses and germs
  • Chipping paint
  • Vulnerability to respiratory illness and colds
  • Damaged wood floors and furniture


If your humidity isn’t right, there are things you can do to improve the situation.

  • If your humidity is too high: Invest in a dehumidifier. It will regulate your home’s moisture levels and keep them in a good place for you. You can also install exhaust fans in your laundry room, kitchen, and bathrooms to move humidity outside your home. Just make sure the fans don’t pipe up into your attic!
  • If your humidity is too low: Install a humidifier in your system. You can also put one in your room, use a spray bottle, and/or add plants around the place to boost the humidity even more. You’ll sleep better, avoid respiratory infections, and enjoy better skin.
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Summer: Summer is all about removing humidity, especially in Florida where we have more moisture than we want sometimes. Dehumidifying the air will make your home more comfortable, prevent mold growth, and help your HVAC system function better. You’ll be able to set your thermostat a bit higher and save on energy bills!

Winter: Generally, you want to add humidity during the winter, when things can get very, very dry. Cold air can’t hold as much moisture, and even if it gets heated up by your HVAC system, it’s still dry. Adding humidity will help you avoid those winter colds and recover faster when they hit you. Again, you can add houseplants to boost the humidity a bit more.

Managing humidity across an entire home can be a significant challenge, and getting advice from professionals can give you the confidence you need to move forward. At DUCTZ, we are intimately familiar with the challenges of living in Palm Beach. We uphold NADCA standards and have the capability to perform full air quality testing and air duct cleaning. We are here to ensure that your home or business is comfortable and healthy all year long. Our courteous and knowledgeable team is proud to provide the best air duct and air conditioning maintenance in South Florida. Contact us today!

Cool weather is on its way, and even though Florida doesn’t get as icy as states up north, we still get chilly, and our humidity can make lower temperatures especially potent. That means thousands of people are turning on their furnaces and boilers, depending on them to inject warmth into their homes. However, with furnaces and boilers comes the danger of carbon monoxide.

Carbon monoxide is the leading cause of poisoning deaths in the nation. Colorless, odorless, and able to poison people quickly, it is not a danger to be taken lightly. There are several different sources of carbon monoxide in the common home, which is why it is so important to have a detector on each level of your home, as well as beside each sleeping area.


Any appliance that burns propane, charcoal, natural gas, oil, or wood can cause carbon monoxide poisoning. While people are quick to think of furnaces and boilers (and rightly so), there are other sources of carbon monoxide worth considering. They include the following:

  • Fireplaces
  • Ranges and grills
  • Generators
  • Water heaters
  • Cars
  • Lawnmowers
  • Appliances with pilot lights


  • Replace the batteries twice a year, especially before heating season.
  • Test the detectors once a month and keep them clean with a can of compressed air or a gentle vacuum
  • Get chimneys and flues inspected and cleaned every year.
  • Keep your furnace or boiler maintained by a professional who can spot leaks.
  • Make sure exhaust from any carbon monoxide-generating process can escape your home by ensuring your chimneys and outdoor vents are free of snow, ice, debris, and nests.
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Part of what makes carbon monoxide so dangerous is that it doesn’t cause dramatic symptoms right off the bat. Signs of poisoning can be written off as symptoms of harmless issues. The key to staying safe is understanding what those symptoms are and combining that knowledge with detectors.


  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Shortness of breath


  • Mental confusion
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Loss of coordination
  • Brain and heart damage
  • Death


Once you know the signs of carbon monoxide poisoning, the last step is to ensure that you know what to do if you or your loved ones start to experience them. The first thing to do is get out of your home. Have a pre-determined location for everyone to meet outside where the air is fresh. Only after you have all of your family members accounted for should you call the fire department. Don’t go back inside until the home has been inspected and you’re given an “all clear” by professionals.


  • Never use your stove or oven to heat your home.
  • Never block ducts near clothes dryers, water heaters, or ranges.
  • Never run a grill or generator indoors.
  • Never leave your car running in a garage or an attached carport.
  • Never use a grill near a window where fumes will get inside.

At DUCTZ, we work hard to keep the homes of Broward full of fresh, comfortable air. If you are concerned about any part of your HVAC system, contact us today for air quality testing!